BOWDA Lunch, February 8, 2018
Jenifer Christiansen, CEO of Built Green Canada, will provide an overview of Built Green Canada programs, associated fees and benefits?for the builder, consultant, trades and suppliers, and the homeowner. Q&A to follow.
Built Green Canada is a national, industry-driven organization committed to working with members of the residential building and development industry interested in responsible sustainability practices. Built Green Canada goes beyond energy efficiency, moving the industry toward a more holistic approach to sustainable building practices. An approach that includes the preservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, ventilation and air quality, and the improvement of home durability.
This holistic approach means using advanced building technologies that consider the home as a system or a sum of its parts?everything from site orientation, building materials, HVAC equipment, windows, water and electrical consumption, and builder practices. These component parts all contribute to the way Built Green Canada helps the industry to use the latest technologies to ensure a healthier, more durable home with a lower environmental impact, costs savings to the homebuyer and choices they can make on how to have a greener home.
Energy-efficient homes are linked to increased comfort and healthier living, while improving energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions and lowers the cost of owning and maintaining your home. In addition, Single family new homes certified through Built Green Canada are automatically eligible for a partial mortgage loan insurance premium refund of 15% through Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation and Genworth Canada.

Date and Time
Thursday Feb 8, 2018
11:30 AM - 1:15 PM MST
Thursday, February 8, 2018
11:30am to 1:15pm
Members: $40
Non-Members: $55
Contact Information
Paula Remple
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